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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Training In Artistic Fields Of Your Choice

If you have decided to choose the field of art for your career goal, you will find there is a large area to pick from. To be serious about this goal it is going to require specific training in the area of choice. There are a number of scholarships offered by places such as museums, galleries and other locations, who are anxious to have people trained in these areas.
Another place for scholarships is newspapers and specialty magazines. Many hire people with training in art journalism. In addition, a number of scholarships are offered with no particular subject in mind but rather is to help with school costs.
Applications for scholarships should begin in high school but are not necessarily restricted by age. There are some that specify something such as 'woman over 35 years of age', or a certain race or religion. Some, on the other hand specify a certain career aim, such as film/video art. These restrictions are usually applied to upper grades, such as community colleges.
In searching for a career in this field it is always good to look up 'careers in art history'. That will provide a wide range to choose from that can fit exactly what you are looking for. Many people are especially interested in fashion design. In addition, any experience you can obtain, while in high school, by volunteering, at a place where you think you might enjoy working, is a big plus when applying for a scholarship.
The results of careers in this field are evident in shoes, purses, jewelry, and all forms of attire. Many people who specialize in the fashion field have developed a following and have become quite famous in their designs. A look at the Internet will show many examples of their work.
Going to school is not an inexpensive undertaking. However, with the many scholarships available, a great deal of this expense can be reduced considerably. People who have become known early for their artistic skills, in such things as exhibits and competitions, are sometimes able to finance their entire art education via scholarships. Many of the positions require a B. A., M. A. Or PhD. Degree however, this degree can be earned while studying the art subject you have chosen.
One way that has proven quite advantageous in looking for scholarships is using the Internet. For example, with art journalism you can check the websites of employers and professional associations. In this particular career, the Internet lists three different sources for scholarships. Art Gallery Manager has a list of five different places to apply while Museum Careers offers four sites.

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