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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Art Books And Buying Decisions

Do you love Art? So do I! Do you like learning more about what you love, such as on the subject of Art? So do I! Do you like to know what others know and love about what you love, again, such as on the subject of Art? So do I! We're doing great, so far, don't you think? Like, we're pretty much on the same page!
Well, let's carry this another step further and see if it continues! When you consider buying something, anything, be it a product or a service, what are your most important buying criteria that you consider as you make your decision to buy or not to buy?
1) Quality? Consider all of the components that may be involved in the production of any product or service you consider buying. How important is the quality of the materials being used, the manufacturing process being employed, the craftsmanship of the workers involved in the production process? Are they important to you? They are to me, too! I mean, I may not know everything about all of these factors, much less how to evaluate them, but I sure do know that I'd prefer purchasing a quality product or service rather than a piece of junk! Right? Check!
2) Selection? Do you want and need a reasonable selection of products and services to choose between when shopping for something? So do I. I reject the "one size fits all" scenario as well as Henry Ford's famous "you can have any color you want, as long as it's black," principle, much as I respect the many fundamental business principles he innovated. Similarly, I avoid situations in which a veritable avalanche of choices are presented because, more often than not, that simply produces no buying decision at all, perpetuating the fear that any choice made would be a wrong one. Do you agree? Check!
3) Convenience? I'm a proponent of the KISS, or Keep It Simple, Stupid, theory. As it applies to buying something, that means I want finding out what I need and want to know about a product or service, making my decision accordingly, completing the purchase process and receiving delivery of it, well... EASY! How about you, do you prefer convenient... or complex? Convenience, right? Check!
4) Customer Service. It's important to me to know that, whenever I buy something, whatever it is, that whoever I bought it from, be it the producer, a wholesaler, a retailer, a reseller, whoever, that the seller will stand behind the purchase and deliver the service and support appropriate to satisfy both parties in the transaction. Do you feel that way, too? Check!
5) Price? Yes, price is a very important factor, too! But that said, it is essential that we be realistic, not naive, when assessing this factor. The merits or faults of price relevant to the purchase of any given product or service must be judged fairly based on the value received in exchange for it! I don't like being made a fool of, and I especially don't like making a fool of myself, so I try hard not to do it. I'm guessing most readers of this feel likewise. So, let's not ridiculously expect to pay a Chevrolet price for a Cadillac! Right? Check!
So, have you been wondering what the heck the preceding buying lesson has to do with Art Books? Well, the answer is: Everything, or, at least as much as does buying anything!
This article is about art, and my love of it. It is also about my love of learning more about it, and that includes reading about it. And it is about sharing some of my thoughts about buying art books in particular, and anything in general. If the subject of art is an interest for you, also, you may wish to follow the links I've placed in the resource box below and discover more of my musings on the subject of art.

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